Welcome to the headquarters of the 13th Tantrix World Open and 10th Spanish Open, which will be held on April 13th and 14th, 2024.
I would like to thank in advance all those who would like to sign up or at least are thinking about it. We would like to count on you to have a good time, meet the best players in the world, practice a little English and if there is time, play a few games.
The event will be like the last Spanish Open in the town of Badalona, very close to Barcelona, being the meeting point the neighborhood association in the center of Badalona.
The most outstanding novelty is that the presentation of the tournament will take place in the auditorium of the museum of Badalona, after a guided tour.
INFO Museum.
I would like to thank Tantrix Iberica, the Badalona City Council, Badalona Museum, Hotel Miramar and the Badalona Downtown Neighbors Association.
The most common way to get to Barcelona is by plane, there are many regular flights to the terminal of Barcelona - El Prat or some cheaper ones that go to the terminal of Girona - Costa Brava. There are also many arrivals by train and the road accesses are great. Here is a link of how to get to Badalona from the Miramar hotel website:
Location hotel Miramar
As always, we have as a partner of this event the Miramar hotel with exclusive prices for all interested Tantrix players, if any of you want to stay here, please send an email to edu1313 or send him a WhatsApp.
Prices are :
- Single room from 50 to 55€.
- Double room from 75 to 99€.
More information about the hotel: Hotel Miramar ***
In addition to this hotel, the Badalona area has more accommodation options, here are some of them:
Hostal Solimar: http://www.hostalsolimar.com/
Hotel Badalona Tower: https://www.hotelbadalonatower.com/es/home
Hotel Marina Badalona: https://hotelmarinabadalona.com/
For more information about accommodation, official website of the city council of Badalona:
Badalona City Council
It is also possible that some players want to stay in Barcelona and then move to Badalona, is another option, depending on the area of Barcelona, the journey can vary between 10 minutes by subway or 1 hour and 30 minutes making a transfer between different types of transport (metro, bus, streetcar), if this is your case, send us your location and we will try to advise you in the best possible way.
The price of the event is 65€, this includes:
- Friday night dinner.
- Saturday and Sunday lunch.
- Snacks and drinks during the tournament.
- Visit to the museum on Friday evening, approximately at 17:00h (5pm)
Dinner on Saturday is not included in the price, in case any player prefers to go sightseeing on their own.